Monday, 24 September 2012

Maisy Days

What a journey the last 100 or so days with our Maisy have been. She is growing into a beautiful girl full of love and fun.
We wanted to keep a record of our first 100 days together and The Daily Maisy has been a great place for us to store our memories.
From now on, we will only post occasionally to let you know how she is doing.
Thankyou so much for following our journey with us. Woof!

Friday, 14 September 2012

Day 100

Maisy loves the river ...

Woo Hooo!


But Mrs Human didn't dare leave her
off the extendie- lead incase
Maisy got caught in the flow.

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Day 99

Maisy rather liked  her new Frisby toy

But she couldn't understand why Mrs Human kept throwing it away?

Still, it was rather good fun chasing Mrs Human when she went to pick the frisby back up again!

'Aren't humans funny things!' thought Maisy!

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Day 98

Suddenly, Maisy's batteries ran out!

'I wonder ... ' wondered Maisy

'If this is what they mean by being DOG TIRED!'

Monday, 10 September 2012

Sunday, 9 September 2012

Day 96

Maisy loves Mr Skinny Fox

'We used to be the same size Mr Skinny Fox
and me ...

'But these days he's just a little bit of fluff
with no stuff!'

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Day 95

'Ooo what's this?'

'It doesn't taste of anything ..

'But it's great for a chew!'
'Wait til we take it to the park Maisy,' said Mrs Human.

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Day 94

'I do like being outside,' woofed Maisy, 'It's lovely when the sun is out.'

'But the only trouble is ...
'I can't see the Telly from out there ...'


Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Day 93

'Hoorah Mrs Human is home. It's so not fair that Mrs Human has to keep going away to work!' Thought Maisy. 'She must get lonely!'

But what Maisy didn't know is that while Mrs Human was in Cardiff having a meeting with Val Cousins, the Director of Leaves of Hope to have a chat about bringing more music to the chidlren in the orphanage in Belarus, she met ....  Henry!
'Wonder what Maisy would make of little Henry?' thought Mrs Human.
You can find out about the charity
Leaves of hope at this website:

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Day 92

'Come on Mr Human.'

'This way ...'

'Down here ...'
'Oh, I wonder when Mrs Human is coming home ...'