Monday, 6 May 2013

Maisy & Twighlight Eclipse!

'Oh my giddy aunts,' barked Maisy.

'What on earth ... are the werewolves actually inside the telly, Mrs Human?'


'Strewth!! He's a big ol' boy!'

Friday, 3 May 2013

Back to the Beach!

Maisy knows the way to the beach so well ...

that she could probably
find her way there herself ...

but that wouldn't be so much fun!

Mrs Human makes Maisy smile!

Mrs Human makes Maisy laugh!

And they have such good fun together!

They absolutely LOVE
going to the beach together

Especially when it's sunny.
They make make paw prints together in the sand.

And kick the waves.

And sometimes, Mr Human comes with them ...

Mr Human doesn't like having his foto taken incase Mrs Human and Maisy put it on the blog!
But they wouldn't do that ... would they? ;)


Beautiful Maisy: basking in the sunshine

Maisy finds ...

that rather than go to a beauty parlour
to have your hair done ...

it is much nicer ..

to bask in the sunshine ...

until you dry off!

The best thing about drying off
in the sunshine is ...

All the lovely flowers!
You wouldn't get a view like that from the
Pooch Parlour, now would you?!

Mermaids & Stones


Mrs Human thought she could see some bright orange Mermaid hair tied around the stones.

Maisy & Mrs Human decided to have a sit on the Mermaid stones to catch their breath

While they sat in the windy sunshine ...

Mrs Human wrote a song about
Mermaids & Stones

After a while,  Mrs Human & Maisy decided to make their way back along the beach ...

Until they got back into town

They sat with the flowers, admiring the view.

First sunny day of the year!

The sun shone through the trees.
Mrs Human & Maisy decided to ditch their paperwork and make their way to the beach ...

... through the dandelions

... a quick cwtch on the steps

Down, down down ...

towards the sky blue sea.

'Come on Mrs Human!' woofed Maisy.

The wind blew through Maisy's ears and Mrs Human's hair, but they were having so much fun that they didn't notice.

'Let's go for a run,' woofed Maisy.

The pair ran and ran and ran along the sea's edge.
'I love the seaside, Maisy,' said Mrs Human.

'Me too!,' panted Maisy!