Wednesday, 8 August 2018

Maisy's Doggie Diet Dairy Day 2

Well, it's been a very exciting day so far. Very early this morning, I was just about awake, when the lovely lady from Mucky Pups came to our house. I love Trisha. She always gives me little treats so I was very pleased to see her indeed! She put me up on the table, as usual, but then, she DID NOT GIVE ME THE TREATS. I think Mrs Human has had a quiet word with her. OHHH NOOO!

It was such a relief to get this great big fur coat off, especially in the heatwave summer. I feel about half my age but sadly I am not half my weight and the carrot thing from yesterday, seems like its staying. 

Don't tell Mrs Human, but I actually quite like the apple. Still I will keep permanent residence under the biscuit barrell just incase they forget or might drop one.

In the end, I gave up on the biscuits and took myself upstairs for an afternoon nap. Mrs Human has been sleeping in my bed without me since the Vet said I have to sleep in the kitchen. According to her, it's cooler for me downstairs. I miss Mrs Human though and I know she misses me too, because she told me this morning. She does love me, so.

Note from Mrs Human: Thank you so much Trisha from Mucky Pups for making the emergency haircut trip to our place. Maisy hasn't been able to jump onto the bed for a few weeks but seems to be managing it today. I can tell she feels much better for your loving trim.

Tuesday, 7 August 2018

Maisy's Diet Diary Day 1

Pssst ... Over here ... it's me ...  Maisy. Mrs Human has gone upstairs, so I have jumped on the computer. Please help me. Mrs Human is slipping hard orange things into my bowl. 

Does she think I am stupid? She stirred them into my normal food and thought I wouldn't notice. Er hello!!! They are bright orange. Well, I had the last laugh, I spat them out when she wasn't looking. Ha ha! Right then, better go, she's coming. I think I'll just sit and give her my best stare, for a very long time, until she breaks and gives me a biscuit.

Monday, 6 August 2018

When a heart is filled with love ...

Hello friends, it's me, Mrs Human.
It has been 3 years since Maisy and I have written to you in our blog. We've been so busy loving each other and getting up to so many different adventures.

We've had a bit of a day of it today because the lovely Vet said that Maisy has a problem with her heart. We think it's because she loves us so much that her heart has to work harder than everyone else's and that is what must have made one of her valves a bit dickie.

The Vet said that what will really help Maisy is to GO ON A DIET!!! Well, that hasn't gone down too well with our Maisy. There is nothing she loves more than biscuits and treats but, we want Maisy to live as long as she possibly can and we still have time to help her do just that.

As you can see, Maisy doesn't look very happy, just now. When we got home, me and Mr Human had a look at this blog and smiled about how lovely it is to have Maisy here with us and then Maisy had an idea that maybe, we should start blogging together again to show you, our friends, how her diet is going, as it might help some of you get well too. 

Lots of love to you all
Mrs Human, Maisy
&Mr Human