'What a busy day!' thought Maisy.
First of all, she was up with the larks. Mr Human is a Wizard's Apprentice and he explained that he has to get up early some days and go to the workshop to make Pick Ups. www.wizardpickups.co.uk/
Maisy wasn't quite sure what these were or how they work and to be honest, Mrs Human didn't seem to know much about them either!
Even though Mrs Human had very kindly gone into town and bought Maisy a lovely furry basket, she preferred to stay on the sofa and so ... she did!
Mrs Human took Maisy out into the Garden every half hour to play a game that Maisy thought must be called Wee Wee's
It was all very tiring indeed!
Maisy, Teddy & Mr. Skinny Fox (who by now, had the stuffing knocked right out him) found Nana's antique hand made crochét blanket, a very comfortabnle place to snooze.
Maisy found that being on the computer was very boring indeed! She couldn't understand why Mrs Human always seemed to be looking at it! She yawned and ...
... it wasn't long before she & Good Old Teddy fell fast asleep!
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