Sunday, 10 June 2012

Goodbye to an Old Friend

On a serious note ...

Me & Becky Boo Boo

I had a wonderful friend and companion for 12 furry years.
Her name was Becky and I loved her with all my heart. She died 7 years ago and I never thought I would feel the same about a fluffy chum ever again. I have tried to love other dogs but they have been just that ...

Then, as you know, Maisy came into my world this week and everything has changed. I love her so much in just 7 days.

On the day before I went to get Maisy I had quite a few tears about Becky Boo Boo. I wasn't trying to replace her but I really felt ready and needed to have a new ball of fluff in my heart. I think she would understand and would want me to be happy.

Even when I brought Masiy home, I still felt sad about Beck but as the days have gone by, all I can see in Maisy now are the wonderful years of fun that we will have together. She seems more beautiful in her own light with every day that passes and it feels as if we have always loved each other.

And then yesterday, as I was thinking things through, I remembered Becky's last few days. I was very poorly and so was she. I was in hospital and she was at the vets. We came home on the same day but honestly, I believe Beck hung on for me so that she could say Goodbye; I have even thought that maybe only one of us could stay and so she left so that I could carry on, such was the type of dog she was.

I have incorporated the experience in a chidren's story book called The Amazing Advetures of Superboo which I wrote while I was poorly & aims to help children come to terms with the loss of a pet.

Becky went off to the vets on her last day. The vet said that he needed to operate and then would ring us to tell us how much cancer was inside her and we would need to take the decision whether or not to try to save her. I thought I would never be able to make that decision ... and so Becky Boo Boo made it for me; slipped away quietly on the operating table.

Me and Becky Boo Boo

The vet was so kind and lovely. They knew her really well and she actually liked going ... so at least she had pased away with friends, with people she knew beside her. I remember picking her up and they had put her in a lovely wooden box with her name engraved on a brass plaque, which off course we still have.

And why is this so relevant to my little ball of energy jumping around at my feet?

Well, we have been visiting puppies and dogs trying to find someone to connect with. I thought I may have found a little girl to bring home but she had very wobbly eyes so I went to the vets to ask them what it might be a symptom of. As we chatted they pointed out a postcard advert from a Dairy Farmer that lived just outside of the village. They had a puppy for sale. We rang but it was sold. However, they had another puppy, one that they were going to keep, who wasn't ready yet, only 5 weeks old, and would we like to go and see her ... so we did and the rest is history. I knew immediately that Maisy was 'The One'

But it didn't dawned on me until yesterday that I had found Maisy in the very place where I had said Goodbye to Becky Boo ... and so I thank my Boo for finding a way of sending a small piece of herself back to me. I will always love you Boo Boo xxx 

Further Information: Just thinking folks that you may be interested to know that ...

The Amazing Adventures of Superboo is available at

Award Winning Cheryl Beer is listed with The Writers of Wales which means that if you would like her to facilitate a Story/ Creative Writing Workshop, part of her fee may be covered by Literature Wales: This is the link to her booking page:

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