Friday, 8 June 2012

Day 5

Mrs Human explained that she had to go out to do a film shoot today and so Maisy would need to stay indoors and work from home with Mr Human, who would be making his Zero One Guitars all day.

Maisy didn't mind working from home because she managed to convince Mr Human that he liked working from home too!

It seemed to Maisy that all Mrs Human  wanted to do when she got in from work, was play Wee Wee's in the garden.

Because Maisy loves Mrs Human so much and because Mrs Human so obviously enjoys standing in the rain after a long day at work, Maisy made sure she played Wee Wee's in the garden for as long and as often as she could!

It is particularly hard work being a puppy and so when no-one was looking, Maisy snook into bed for a snooze with Good Old Teddy

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